Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tenn. law bans posting images that "cause emotional distress"

Bill Haslam and the morons in the Tenn. state legislature cause me emotional distress. Who do I contact to file suit? After all, their pictures are all over this website!

Tenn. law bans posting images that "cause emotional distress"

Have these fucking idiots ever heard of a little thing called the United States Constitution? At the very least, they should read the 1st and 14th Amendments and be required to write 5,000 word papers about the history of each one before they are allowed to hold any government office ever again.

By the way, those Constitutional amendments let me post pictures like these:

The retards who supported this law shouldn't even be allowed to serve as dog catcher in a town of 22 citizens, let alone serving as legislators for an entire state. The citizens of Tenn. should be ashamed having such ignorant fucks at the head of their state.

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