Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Samy Naceri gets it backwards as far as 'debasing Islam' goes

I was looking for information on a supposedly respect-worthy French actor by the name of Sami Naceri. This was among what I found:

On October 22, 2005, on Thierry Ardisson's very popular program "Tout le Monde en Parle" (France 2 TV), Salman Rushdie was attacked by prominent French actor Sami Naceri.

Naceri, a self-professed Islamist, accused Rushdie of debasing Islam. He added that if an imam were to ask him to kill Rushdie, he would put a bullet in his head. He then pointed an imaginary gun at Rushdie's head. Rushdie took off his microphone and left, saying that this was the last time that he would appear on a French program. None of this was aired; Ardisson edited out the disturbing scene.

Last year, Naceri, shining example of a follower of the Relgion of Peace that he is, was imprisoned for cutting up a man's face with a glass ashtray because of a few minutes delay in a meeting (according to Wikipedia).

If there's someone who doesn't deserve a career, it's this jackass. I don't care how good his films supposedly are. I won't be looking for them, and I won't be posting about them here.

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